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Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Summer School

Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) is a term used to describe technology and processes implemented within home and care facilities with the intent to create a more natural environment to sustain healthy physical and mental health. Autonomous, robotics and interactive systems (RAIS) technologies are increasingly proposed as part of these systems. They can provide active monitoring as well as social and cognitive support, and take immediate action in case of emergencies.

The school follows a strong learning by doing approach delivered in the form of a hackathon embedded throughout the school. Students from multiple disciplines have the opportunity to work together and interact with end-users, care organisations, care workers, psychologists, and healthcare experts. This allows participants to see how the different technical elements of an AAL system can be linked together, and experience the full cycle of a participatory-design AAL project.

  1. 2019 SICSA AAL Summer School


CARE Group
CARE Group